Portability Policy

Portability is the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD's) term for transferring from the jurisdiction of the Public Housing Authority (PHA) who issued a Section 8 Voucher to another PHA’s jurisdiction.

Families with Housing Choice Vouchers are eligible. Families must live in the issuing PHA’s jurisdiction and hold a valid Housing Choice Voucher to be eligible.

Families may move to any out-of-state PHA’s jurisdiction. The PHA that receives the portable family does not have to accept a Voucher unless it has a Voucher program. If it does not have a Voucher program, it may choose to refer the family to another PHA with a Voucher program.

Housing Opportunities of SW Washington is currently absorbing.

Transfer from HOSWWA

  • You may transfer your assistance to any PHA jurisdiction that administers the Section 8 Voucher
  • To locate a housing authority in the jurisdiction you wish to go, click here.
  • Notify your housing specialist where you would like to transfer your voucher to. You will be required to provide your current landlord with an appropriate vacate notice in writing. Provide this notice to your housing specialist and they will re-issue your voucher authorizing you to move.
  • Your housing specialist will notify you when they have contacted the receiving housing authority.


For more information, contact:

Tawni Jacobson
Portability Intake Specialist
Toll Free: (866) 570-8840 ext. 3045

Transfer to HOSWWA

  • HOSWWA administers the Section 8 Voucher program in Cowlitz (excluding zip codes of Kelso and Kalama), Wahkiakum, Lewis, and Pacific Counties.
  • If you wish to transfer your assistance to a jurisdiction of HOSWWA, you must contact the housing specialist/service coordinator at your housing agency. They must transmit the following documents to HOSWWA: HUD FORMs 50058 and 52665, with copies of social security cards, ID, birth certificates, verification of eligible citizenship, and verification of income and assets.
  • These documents may be mailed or faxed. They cannot be hand carried by you.
  • Once we receive your required documents, a housing specialist will reach out to you within 10 business days to start the intake process. Appointments will not be scheduled prior to the receipt of your paperwork. You may inquire about the status of your paperwork by sending an email to info@hoswwa.org
  • At your intake appointment, you will sign our voucher and authorization forms and receive documents that will give us what we need to conduct an inspection.
  • An inspection will be scheduled within five (5) days from receipt of valid RFTA. Inspection can take place within 24 hours or may take longer depending on if the unit is ready.
  • Upon approval of the unit of your choice, contract documents will be drawn up. Once they are signed and approved, payment will be requested. Payment can be released to your landlord within 10-30 days of receipt of completed contract documents.


For more information, contact:

Tawni Jacobson
Portability Intake Specialist
Phone: (360) 423-0140 ext. 3045