VIP Eligibility Requirements

The Veteran Integration Program allows veterans to receive access to extensive
supportive services and case management with the goals of increasing their skill levels, income, and self-sufficiency.

Participation in the Veteran Integration Program is voluntary. Each Veteran must
meet the following requirements:

Qualifying Veteran

  • Have served in the active military, naval, or air service, and discharged or released under
    conditions other than dishonorable.
  • Lacking a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence; or having a primary nighttime
    residence that is:

    • (A) A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations;
    • (B) An institution that provides a temporary residence for persons intended to be institutionalized; or
    • (C) A place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.


  • Participants must be willing to set goals and work towards
    clean and sober living.

Daily Contact with Case Manager

  • According to federal regulations, each resident is required to phone their case manager DAILY to
    confirm they are residing in their unit.

Self-Sufficiency Account

  • Participants will establish move out account by having a personal budget and savings.

Employment or Schooling

  • Participants will be expected to obtain employment and/or schooling unless they are not released
    to go to work by a doctor.
  • Participants will volunteer in order to give back to the community.

Advantages Of Participating

  • Provides necessary referrals to;
    • medical,
    • dental,
    • mental health,
    • substance abuse treatment,
    • education,
    • employment,
    • disability claims
    • and more
  • Helps break the cycle of homelessness
  • Provides a healthy support system